Corona Virus - COVID19
The Scout Association have instructed that all Face to Face Scouting is to stop for the time being.
With the schools also being closed, we're aware that parents will be feeling a lot of pressure to provide activities etc at home.
We've put together some resources for those involved in Scouting to make use of during the shut down and to help people complete badges and work on Scouting activities.
Please be aware that there is no expectation that anybody has to do any of these - they are provided as a bit of a diversion from School work and general isolation should you wish to use them.
Lots of Scout groups all over the world are in a similar position so there are hundreds, if not thousands, of very talented volunteers putting their skills to work developing activities to support Scouting online. As we find out about these we'll add them to the list.
Online Scout Manager - Badges at Home feature
One thing we have already been given is a free upgrade to the Online Scout Manager website
We now have access to the Badges at Home function which will allow Scouts to evidence any badge work that they complete by doing activities at home.
We've put together this short video to help you navigate the site, which you can reach through your normal OSM login. If you have any queries speak with your child's section leader.